Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Aveeno Creamy Moisturizing Oil

You may read the title of this and wonder why I am still talking about a moisturizer. It’s now a little warmer outside and some of you may not even need one at all!

I bring your attention to Aveeno Creamy Moisturizing Oil because I think that it’s perfect for when the weather is a little warmer, but you still want something that can seal the moisture in.

The Creamy Moisturizing Oil has the texture of a light cream and provides sheer moisture. Because it’s so light, it absorbs really quickly and sinks right into the skin.
What I love about it is the ingredient list. Water is the first ingredient but following that is a ton of natural oils, from sesame seed to almond. I love that. It smells really good too and isn’t overly strong.
Think of this Aveeno product as a sheer moisturizer and don’t be scared to try it.

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